hello buddha
Buddhism and Psychotherapy
emptiness essays
buddhist emptiness
buddhism and psychotherapy
about mark epstein

The Basics

blue sky
The basic, fundamental practices
The first essential quality of bare attention is impartiality, to take whatever is given, not to screen out the unpleasant, not to hold onto the pleasant. Whatever arises, take it in, let it dissolve back into mind, not screening it out or pushing it away. Simply being with it without having to react, which is a deceptively simple injunction.

Pay attention to the ebb and flow of the breath. Say ebb, at the peak and decline of a breath, then flow at the birth of a breath. pay attention to the transitory nature of the breath, will integrate time into the self experience. As apposed to space, thinking of our bodies as things and minds as places. Altering the habitual mode of self perception. Cultivating calm will not help you with difficult feelings or the problem.

Sounds, breath, sensations, images, thoughts, emotions, come and go, transitory, temporal, or being time. posture, is important for the meditator.. Take whatever is given, it’s choiceless, it’s open, it takes in everything, scan with a very wide lens, from content to process.

Once established in the ebb and flow of the breath, it’s possible to expand the field of awareness to thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body and even to consciousness its self. Being aware of the breath and a thought at the same time, gives a sense of vitality or aliveness, when the breath is pleasant. Stay impartial to the ebb and flow of the breath, or to take whatever the breath has given. Not screening out the unpleasant breaths, not holding onto the pleasant breaths. Expanding the impartial mental posture from the breath to thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body and even consciousness its self. Cultivating calm will not help you with difficult feelings or the problem.
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